Having a allergy or issue to gluten doesn't mean you need to stop having the foods you enjoy! Learning how to alter and adjust recipes has become easier over the years (and actually fun to see what we can create with "other" ingredients). I will say in the beginning that was one of the biggest challenges of not knowing what is out there and how to adjust to get it as close as possible to the gluten containing flours we were used to.
Back then (in 2010...man that makes us feel a little old :)), there was not the resources that are available now. We went to each other for support and started to find out as much education as we could about this "whole gluten-free thing". We hired mentors and sought after health education in a different way. What we share with you has helped us over the years to LIVE beyond a diagnosis.
So far in both our families, only Monica and I are diagnosed with celiac's disease. But the WHOLE family seems to do better eating gluten-free foods.
One of Jedi's favorite is our version of chocolate chip cookies, done all GF. Today he wanted to be master chef and made them "his way" ...hence the large portion size. Hey he almost made one big cookie! I'm grateful he is familiar with the taste of GF recipes so if later on down the road he needs to adjust, it won't be such an abrupt transition.
