Many of our fond memories have been formed at our family table. This family gathering place is not only where nourishing meals can be eaten, but we can practice the ability to love each other, see each others perspectives, develop the art and style of debate (which may or may not be patiently taught), and instill healthy forms of daily discussions. Around the table board games can also be won and card games lost, all with an innate family connection to want to do it again.
Growing up our mom started a new family tradition of having Sunday dinners together and we both had a deep desire to keep this tradition alive. We've adjusted to the changes in our lives, as our growing family units and the seasons of our life have. Adapting at times to have family lunches instead of dinner to support in our church callings, children responsibilities, and helping make sure our dad's needs are met. I didn't fully realize the importance of these special times with our mom. She is missed every day and we feel her so close when we honor her wise traditions, which now have become sacred memories in my heart.
The last decade of our lives have been full of SO much unconditional love, painful loss, earthshattering change, compounded grief, and debilitating trauma. As well as DEEP life changing heartache, complete and total healing, understanding forgiveness and our Saviors Atoning power differently. Which have resulted in beautiful peace, lasting joy, and tender miracles. We have also realized the importance of needing to extend more grace to ourselves during these trying times as we developed the capacities and education to be able to let go and trusting more.
Like the seasons in nature, we've ebbed and flowed to our abilities to the best we knew how (and occasionally fought against some of the things we didn't fully understand). At a place in time, we found ourselves in some hard struggles with health diagnosis, family relationships, and pretty much life in general. We sought after education and others to help us through this time. As we started to gain healing and strength through these issues, we noticed others were asking us to help them through very similar situations. That is when our company Core Frequency was created. We had a desire to help people save time and resources when it came to getting through things. Not that they would bypass the struggle, but to be able to recognize “it” and have the skills to “get through”. We are also known as the Gluten-Free Twins and our sister company provides additional education specifically relating to our journey through living beyond the diagnosis of celiac disease.
We are a company that offers such a resource. We are identical twins sisters with a desire to help individuals, families, and organizations by offering both educational courses and mentoring programs. Together we have a spectrum of experiences and education, that we incorporate with current research-based approaches, to provide the best learning experience we can.

We provide a place for others to come learn and grow. Our clients love the uniqueness we offer as twin educators and mentors.
We have very similar feedback, yet at times with our individual differences, they receive a variety of perspectives to help them. If you thought one was good, try two!
We also feel a message to share with the world of when you see twins it is to remind us that we are here to help each other, not to do it alone!
We hope you come, gather around and enjoy a seat at our extended table.
All our love,
Annica & Monica